dinsdag 6 oktober 2009



1. Stick to your routine. Every time. Regardless of the situation.

2. Play “golf” rather than “golf swing”. As we say, “do all your thinking behind the ball. Once you’re over the ball, be athletic!”

3. Love your short game (the stats tell the same story every year on every tour: short game matters!).

4. Get in the habit of asking yourself “what’s my target?”

5. Immerse yourself in the process, rather than the outcome. We tend to:
Win tournaments by not thinking about winning.
Shoot great scores by not thinking about a score.
Beat other golfers by not thinking about other golfers.

Thus, immerse yourself in the process of playing the golf course, one shot at a time, to the exclusion of everything around you!

6. Swag. The way that you move matters. If you move like a slug, with your head down, feet shuffling, you’ll tend to feel lethargic. Great golfers (athletes in general) move a certain way. Think of Tiger, or Camilo, or Lebron … move and feel like an athlete on the golf course!

7. Be aware of your grip pressure. As tension or pressure builds, our grips tend to tighten, thus affecting rhythm, tempo, and mechanics of the swing. It’s a good thing, on a regular basis, to soften your grip pressure (if you watch the tape of Heath Slocum's win, you can see him tightening and softening his hands as he walks down the fairways on the back 9).

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